Business Consultancy: Allen 13788992981



  • Store service evaluation – covering about 3,000 stores nationwide, with 12 consecutive years of service.
  • Special research on delivery service – new packaging test for takeaway, and third-party takeaway service experience evaluation service.

Estee Lauder

Estee Lauder
  • The exclusive supplier of the service experience evaluation project, covering about 650 counters of its 8 brands, has served for 10 consecutive years.
  • Premium Research partner of Asia Pacific providers, 8 consecutive years of service.


  • Supplier of online quantitative research projects.
  • Supplier of consumer interviewer recruitment.


  • OTC store check, serving for 8 consecutive years.
  • Inventory audit and destruction service, for 3 consecutive years.


  • Cofco cola (Beijing) retail tracking management service, continuous service for 3 years.
  • Completed more than 200,000 retail store data audits throughout the year, and operated a platform of management and services through data collection and analysis.

Anta Sports

Anta Sports
  • There consecutive service for store tracking and monitoring services of more than 8,000 stores in 300 more cities nationwide.
  • Awarded as the annual high quality research project, the project recognized a saving value of 15 million for client.


  • Conduct retail spectacle stores check, market activity data collection and analysis, provides service for 3 consecutive years.
  • Pre-launch positioning concept, pricing and other special research services.


  • Provide brand experience evaluation service for two brands of triumph group, covering all brand counters of triumph in China, with continuous service for more than 9 years.

Client Recognition



Thank you for providing this update.
I had the opportunity to meet Eva Lin at COB last week and she was well informed about URC’s performance and was pleased with your services.
I very much appreciate you and your team proactively keeping the McDonald’s team informed — it makes a very large difference to the overall dredibilty of our mystery shop program!

Estee Lauder

Estee Lauder

I would like to express my gratitude to all those at United Research China who got involved in our Mystery Shopping program in the past year.
Grateful acknowledgement is made to Ms.
Diana Liu and her team who gave us considerable help by means of valuable suggestion, comments and recommendation.
Her unwavering support has sustained my team through our MS program development in China.
I deeply appreciate the contribution to our mystery shopping program made in various ways by URC.

A Customer

A Customer

Thanks. It is very good information to improve the customer satisfaction for us.

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